Three commas, no fluff.
BillionDollarClub is the exclusive home of the biggest and brightest companies covered by IBN.
For over 19 years, IBN (InvestorBrandNetwork) has been hard at work. We’ve been grinding to forge relationships with some of the biggest names in finance and media. We’ve helped a who’s-who of over 500 client partners grab attention and hold onto it for the long term. There’s no other way to instantly get your company in front of readers at 5,000+ established news outlets across the country and around the world. There’s no easier solution for putting a megaphone in front of your next big announcement and filling up the news feeds of millions of social media followers.
Working with IBN is the best way to make sure your company’s latest developments make an impact.
While our client list includes companies big and small, BillionDollarClub is the gold standard. This is the place you want to be, where every covered company has a market cap in excess of $1 billion. Big-time public companies trust IBN to provide unparalleled visibility, recognition and focus with flagship solutions like Brand Awareness Distribution (BAD) and our TableTalks (Our Exclusive Roadshow Series).
It’s time to rethink your approach to corporate communications. It’s time to put technology to work for you. It’s time to team with a proven squad of experts with the skills needed to get you where you want to be and keep you there.